The 24 June 2016 was a momentous day for the people of Stroud. For on this day, The People’s Republic of Stroud was declared. The rest of the UK will mark this date as the morning BREXIT became a reality, but for the town and region of Stroud, this was the day that the people of this land awoke from their slumber, took up their paintbrushes, guitars and herbal tea and declared….”we are different” ………..Well, I did anyway…..
It was on this day that I witnessed a bit of nasty abuse toward the Refugee Aid charity shop next to my gallery and thought…. that’s not cool. My response was to produce a poster declaring ‘The People’s Republic of Stroud’ and ‘Everybody Welcome’. A couple of positive responses later (I don’t need much encouragement) and the movement was born.
The ‘Five Valley’ flag was designed in 2015 in the midst of my New Zealand flag referendum obsession. I had a couple of flags that were being seriously considered as a replacement for my homelands national banner, which of course ended in failure. I had no intention of making ‘The 5 Valley Star’ public until the opportunity to declare my undemocratic state arose.
Flag Symbolism:
Five Valley Wonky Star: Every revolution needs a star, except this is a peaceful, non-violent white one. More like, Stroud…..shining light to the world and a little wonky.
Red: The colour of revolution, the worker, passion and the red coat cloth that was traditionally produced in these valleys.
Green: The hills are alive with hippies playing guitars, dogs chasing cows and views to die for. Billiard table cloth the more traditional reference.
The Revolution starts here in The People's Republic of Stroud
All merchandise can now be purchased from The Stroud Subscription Rooms or online here